Aim 1. Evaluate clinical and person-centered outcomes among recipients of ICC and/or 4TM PPC at Pittsburgh IMPLICIT sites compared to recipients of the traditional model of PPC. H1a: PPC uptake will be higher and occur earlier among postpartum people who receive ICC/4TM than among people who receive traditional PPC. H1b. Black birthing people will access PPC later than White birthing people but Black birthing people receiving PPC at sites that provide ICC/4TM will receive care earlier and at higher rates than Black birthing people receiving care at sites that do not offer ICC/4TM.
Aim 2. Co-develop, with EMBRACE Community Component partners, a community-informed PPC model of actionable strategies for improving perinatal health outcomes and well-being among Black birthing people, based on anti-racism and reproductive justice principles, and using qualitative data from focus groups and interviews with Black postpartum people and from maternity clinicians and staff about PPC, ICC and 4TM.
Aim 3: Implement a new PPC model across 5 Pittsburgh IMPLICIT sites, assessing training, implementation and clinical and person-centered outcomes over the study (e.g., perinatal outcomes, care satisfaction). H3: Uptake of PPC among all postpartum people will increase with a community-informed PPC model, and, specifically, engagement will increase for Black birthing people. Aim 3a. Pilot an unconditional cash transfer that mirrors a 2-month paid family leave with 30 postpartum clients, assessing feasibility, acceptability, use of funds, perinatal outcomes, acute stressors, and engagement with the new PPC model.